
sliding date-picker:滑动效果的日期挑选器

sdp 1 sliding date picker:滑动效果的日期挑选器

sliding date-picker可以让您在一个简单的滑块栏中挑选日期。你可以拖移滑动栏中的时间线,日期即可瞬间变更。另外,当用户决定要手动更改日期时,滑动栏会自动调整到相应的日期位置。 滑动日期机是基于Prototype/Scriptaculous创建,结合了之前介绍的一个日期库Datejs。它已经通过过测试,兼容firefox 2.x+和IE6+,基于GPL许可发布。效果很酷。

Due to the development of Qash.nl, a Dutch personal finance website full of cool javascript features, it’s somewhat quiet around here. But to keep you satisfied, we present the sliding date-picker. This element enables you to pick dates with a simple slider bar. By dragging the bar over the time-line, the dates change instantly. Besides this, when the user decides to manually change the dates, the bar is automatically adjusted to the corresponding dates. As you are used to from us, the script is based on Prototype/Scriptaculous, but now combined with the very sexy DateJs library.
Thats it! I’ve tested it in Firefox 2.x, and IE6/7, please notify me when your browser isn’t supported. You can download the full package, including prototype 1.6 and scriptaculous 1.8, here, it’s under the GPL license.

来源于 sliding date-picker:滑动效果的日期挑选器 | 帕兰映像

