

Footer部分也就博客的页脚正在变的越来越重要,很多人开始在博客的footer部份创建介绍,展示,他们以极其个性的方式,让原本不太受重受视的footer变的特别和醒目。Hector Jarquin特意收集了一些博客界里面比较特别的footer设计,或许能你为带来灵感。

1. Department of Spanish and Portuguese

footer berkeley 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

2. Biola University, customer service at glance

footer biola 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

3. Designer Wall, a resource of inspiration and Design News…

footer designerwall 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

4. Far from fearless, a well implemented flickr section, “How not to” steal browser window space.

footer farfromfearless 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

5. Generation Church, despite the original design a holy experience literally speaking!

footer generationchurch 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

6. Giga OM, Malik once again ahead on the game… brand, brand, brand

footer gigaom 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

7. John Chow, recently updated blog, the real sense of giving, links to MyBlogLog profiles for visitors, blog roll, and a source of money making opportunities. why is he evil?

footer johnchow 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

8. Pop Sugar, well planned branding strategy with access to the entire network and feed subscriptions to all their blogs.

footer popsugar 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

9. Powazek, what a footer should look like, BTW Derek is going to be one of the speakers at O’Reilly’s Tools of Change 2008.

footer powazek 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

10. PR Blogger, reaching information in one place, very smart way to present a stream of events and information.

footer prblogger 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

11. Problogger, Darren always in the game, another recently updated blog like very much his new layou, the Home page is a little busy to my taste, However Darren dear friend you excel with this footer.

footer problogger 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

12. Read Write Web, Simple and minimalist, keeping the reader on the spot!

footer rrw 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

13. Simple Bits, fellow bloggers are making the news and they will continue, featured in almost each design blog, Phenomenal Design.

footer simplebits 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

14. Speak Light, the only product website that we feature on this showcase, essential and smart.

footer speaklight 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏

15. Tennessee vacation, well featured category section.

footer tnvacation 15个博客footer底部设计欣赏


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