
FREE Domain and Hosting from iCalvyn.com

Are you still using “www.yourdomain.blogspot.com” or “www.yourdomain.wordpress.com” or other BSP for your blog. Do you intent to own a Domain such as “www.yourdomain.com“? Here is good news from iCalvyn.

iCalvyn.com & MyExHost.com sponsor you domain and hosing, domain & content will fully own, and only you need to achieve some requirement. What you get from this sponsorship program:

1. 1 Domain Name(.Com .Net .Org)
2. 1 GB Hosting Space
3. 10 GB Bandwidth
4. 1 MySQL Database (applicant can request to add on)
5. 1 FTP (applicant can request to add on)
6. 1 Mail Account (applicant can request to add on)
7. Cpanel Web Hosting Control Panel

Want to kown more? Get your free domain and hosting Now!

这是来自iCalbyn举行的一个赞助活动,通过这个活动,你可以获得免费的独立域名的虚拟主机空间,包括一个.com, .net和.org的国际域名,1GB的主机空间,10GB的带宽,1个Mysqpl数据库, 一个FTP帐户,一个邮件帐户和Cpanel的Web控制面板。但是要参与这项赞助,也必须满足一些要求,比如每周至少更新博客两次,保证每天的独立访客数至少为100,必须放置一个赞助广告等。如果你有兴趣,可以通过上面的链接了解更加详细的情况。

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